A Productive Summer

I've spent every spare minute this summer collecting, sorting, washing, dyeing, carding, blending, and spinning. It's been a glorious blast of colour and has resulted in a winter's-worth of fibre to work on, as well as several new knitted ponchettes, a  prototype for a cosy shrug, and a rich knitted tapestry: Fall Trees. You can see a lot of new products in the Gallery.

I'm also busy making connections with other craftspeople and artists in the Toronto area, and figuring out ways to tell more people about Provenance Yarns and Textiles.

Knitted tapestry - Fall Trees - made with hand-dyed, hand-blended, and hand-spun Shetland wool yarn

Knitted tapestry - Fall Trees - made with hand-dyed, hand-blended, and hand-spun Shetland wool yarn

Four little batches of dyed wool, ready to be blended and turning into something stunning!

Four little batches of dyed wool, ready to be blended and turning into something stunning!

Various shades of blue and turquoise dyed in the same pot

Various shades of blue and turquoise dyed in the same pot

Kid mohair and silk ponchette - light as a feather

Kid mohair and silk ponchette - light as a feather

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